Saturday, November 8, 2014


Her gaze got lost in the horizon.

Yet another day which was not worth living.
Yet another day spent doing nothing.
Yet another day which would not change a thing in her life.
Yet another day…

She lowered her gaze, to her hands. She took a look at them and tried to read the lines of her palms, just as someone has taught her long ago.
The lifeline…

Her life has been –and still was- bland and pointless. She only got unhappy memories and wretched memories of her childhood. She was already an old lady, but those memories have not become better.

But she did not care. She cared about nothing. She just lived her life as if it was not hers, as if it was someone else’s life.

Did others live their lives like her? Why did others laugh and cry? Why weren’t they all like her, without feelings?

Then a memory she thought was lost came back to the surface, and she remembered. She remembered her mom’s smile. Her hugs. She remembered what it feels like to be loved.   
And her heart stopped beating just as the only teardrop she shed in her entire life fell on the ground.
But she was not able to see it anymore.

She would never see her only teardrop. The evidence she had feelings. Of her being a human being.

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