Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Those clouds had a weird shape.

The air seemed rarefied, or was it his lungs that were unable to inhale as much oxygen as before?

The sunlight, and even the moonlight seemed switched off, as if its strength had diminished.

The wind, the rain and everything that surrounded him seemed colder, despite his clothes, despite being near a fire, despite all the blankets above him.

The food had become tasteless, or was it his taste buds lost their ability to taste?

His ears seemed not to work as they should, since he could hear without understanding, everything was just some monotonous and indescribable noise. Incomprehensible. 

His facial muscles seemed dead, he was no longer able to outline the slightest smile. His lips were way too heavy and it was way too difficult to rise the edges of his lips.

Everything was different.

Nothing was as before.

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