Saturday, October 4, 2014


He was peacefully taking a stroll in that park, like he used to every evening.
It was cold, and the wind was blowing hard. He buttoned his coat and shrugged.
When a sudden gust hit his face, he closed his eyes trying to protect them, but he was too late and something has been stuck in his eye. He stopped and tried to get rid of that annoying speck of dust. When he succeeded, he resumed his evening stroll.
The wind had subsided and the sun was shining brightly.

He arrived in a particularly deserted part of the park, a spot where he was used to being alone.
As he was walking forwards, his thoughts were getting mixed in his head. He thought about what he had had to eat on the morning, about the last time he hugged his mom, about the sun warming up his nape, about why was he feeling so uneasy…

He heard steps behind him. Steps that were getting closer. Quickly. But they didn’t seemed like ominous steps, more like the steps of an old friend who saw you and approached hastily to greet you.
He was about to turn around and see who was the owner of such steps when he felt a hand in his back, giving him a hard shove.

He felt how his whole body slumped forward, saw the ground getting closer to his face, and closed his eyes awaiting the collision.

But there was no collision.

He opened his eyes and what he saw left him voiceless. He was in a hole. A bottomless hole. An endless falling.

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