Thursday, September 11, 2014


She slowly opened her eyes and took a look at what was at her feet. She was amazed, marveled and happy.
That couldn’t be true! She pinched her wrist but only felt a slight pain: it wasn’t a dream.

A light smile appeared on her thin lips and her eyes started to glow with a strange radiance.
At last she possessed what she has been desperately craving for for so many years. And it was all thanks to him. She bent over and gently picked up what was lying there. It was so faint!

She suddenly felt moist warmth on her cheeks. Tears of joy were bursting out of her blue eyes. Being able to feel that the object of all her desires was hers felt like a miracle. All of a sudden she heard a noise, whilst fully enjoying such a rare moment of pure happiness and satisfaction. It wasn’t the noise of the wind in the trees, nor that of the river water flowing. No.

It was a breathing noise. Anxiously, she turned around, and the only thing she could get a glimpse of was a tremendous darkness swallowing her and snatching her most valuable treasure…

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