Tuesday, September 23, 2014


She stopped and took a look over her left shoulder, but there was nothing more than deep darkness.

She fought against all the fibers of her body, which were pushing her to run, and she tried to walk as naturally as possible, to her right.

Until she couldn’t endure it anymore and her legs led her forwards once again, at full speed –but was that “forward”? -.
She got an unpleasant feeling, that didn’t disappeared, no matter what she tried to do. It became even stronger. Why wasn’t she able to take deeper breaths in? She hit her chest, in an attempt to free it from an invisible weight, but it was of little use.

This time she made a left, hoping to get somewhere. In vain. She didn’t dare to go back, so she tried to go to her right, until she bumped into a cold wall.
She fought again, against her desire to start crying this time.

After a few minutes, tired of running, and of feeling that invisible yet oppressive threat, she sat down in what looked like a corner, a corner as cold as what was surrounding her. As cold as what was keeping her captive.

Without noticing it, her breath became regular. She was sleeping.

Asleep in a labyrinth she would never be able to get out of, despite not knowing how she arrived there.

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