Monday, September 29, 2014


He was running in a meadow.
That was a dream, there was no way he would have been running in a meadow if awake. All was exactly as one would picture it in a dream about running in a meadow: the green grass, the sunlight shining, the warm breeze…

Being aware it was a dream, but still not being able to wake up. What a strange situation.

He tried to sink into a deeper sleep, in order to stop realizing he was dreaming, in vain. It was as if he was watching a movie, he could see himself running through the meadow, with a silly grin. He was wondering when he would stop running, when he would wake up from that dream.

After long minutes, he was still in that weird dream, in a dream that was turning into a nightmare. Why wasn’t he able to wake up? And why was he still in that meadow?
He suddenly felt a shiver running down his back, he just remembered. That meadow, that meadow…

The smile turned into a grin, and as he kept running, he got caught in that dream.  

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